Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Egg Said Nothing by Caris O'Malley - Rave

It is not often I give two Raves in one day but this one is special. Coming on the heels of The Dharma Bums, of which Caris loaned me his copy, is The Egg Said Nothing. What do these two titles have in common you might ask? Well if I were to give the answer away completely, you would not read the book. But I will give a sneak preview, a glimpse of what is in store for you.

Had the Egg ever spoken there would not have been a story. It is the mystery of how and why the Egg appears that drives our narrator Manny through the mazes he created for himself.

Now was that compelling enough to get you to order this book?

Of course not. Let me expound some more on what's inside these 84 pages. Caris has managed to create a story that questions our existence as humans as we know it. This my friends is the link to Jack Kerouac's ideas written 50 plus years ago in The Dharma Bums. Everything is everything. The continuum is what we call life. We plod along looking for the answers. Some of us look for the answers in science, others in religions and still others in philosophies etc. There is no answer and there are many answers. Which is right and which are wrong?

Caris is much too young to have watched anything but syndicated re-runs of episodes of Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone. But inside these 84 pages is an un-aired episode of this classic show. And given Caris's penchant for horror films it is no wonder this title, The Egg Said Nothing, fills the bill.

The Dharma Bums Gets a Rave

So what exactly can I say about a classic that was first printed over 50 years ago and was credited in part to starting a revolution of sorts? Well I can say it was everything and it was nothing. Ha ha! Yes I have stolen a line from the book The Dharma Bums but I can assure you I have not attained such enlightenment as our young Bhikku. I definitely came away from reading the book with a greater sense of my place in the world. It really is a meaningless place when it comes right down to it. I will return to the Earth as I was born unto it one day. I believe that was the meaning behind the phrase it is everything and nothing. No matter what element we are in, the essential atoms and framework of our surroundings are the same but only shaped differently.

The Dharma Bums was definitely a terrific read at this time in my life. Had I read it at age 24 after reading On the Road, I might have actually turned to the road again and my life would definitely be different. I read On the Road when I started a journey across the States and it had an impact on me then. But I was caught up in my new life and didn't read the next in line.

I love how Jack Kerouac writes in the easy reading style like you are sitting together and talking or listening to his story. Enlightenment can be a different meaning to many but for me it is just the beginning. Thanks to a good friend Caris O'Malley, author of The Egg Said Nothing, I took the opportunity to read this rather than putting it on my list of to read.

My path to enlightenment has now begun thanks to Jack Kerouac writing of his life over 50 years ago. And no I have no plans on buying a rucksack and hitching. Hiking yes. Meditation yes. Read this book no matter what your religion and you will come away with a greater sense of our small world and how we all fit into the puzzle.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Blatant Advertising

Yes that is all this post is about. I know many of my friends shop through Amazon. I am an Affiliate and my family can sure use a boost. Do you love to cook? This is a time of year where the kitchen table draws the family. Here are a great selection of cookbooks at terrific fall pricing. Wow your friends and family this season.

Thank you for reading and participating on the Rave or Slam blog. Remember if you have something you want to Rave or Slam add it to the comments. You can even Slam this posting.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Blog of Helios: Meacher the Mouse Teacher - Meet the DevTeam

The Blog of Helios: Meacher the Mouse Teacher - Meet the DevTeam

I'll say it again, I love the community that Linux fosters. The Helios Project is a living example and when the call goes out people respond.  The project's normal mission is a task unto itself. Now Ken and the team are responding for the needs of Autistic children. Someone should be creating an award for the Helios Project and all the people involved. I love to read such positive stories. This is certainly a project worthy in purpose. I wish them the best. I give the Helios Project a big rave and please visit this page and read the story. I guarantee it will move you. If it moves you enough and you are in a position to help, see the sidebar of their blog for ways to help. This is a worthy cause.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Slammin Facebook and Open Graph

Facebook has created their new system for grabbing information and it is called Open Graph. It really should scare the hell out of you what it does. And for some they don't care and I guess that's okay for them. But for me, when I close FB I want it closed. The cookie lives on  my machine just waiting for whatever goes by and forwards that to FB. If a site developer wants the information, they can get it.

Some people claim we all know what we signed up for anyway. But I beg to differ since FB doesn't do a great job of disclosure in language we can understand. I see less posts from friends than ever before. But the ads in the right column have increased tremendously. The little FB cookie never sleeps. A case in point here; when I first moved to AZ in 2003 I rented a room from someone out in the west Phoenix area. I have not had any contact with her since leaving. She and my current landlord just popped up in the right column as people I may know as friend request suggestions. How did this happen? I do have my current landlord's email in my contact list but that is on my local machine and not my FB email address. Is the cookie garnering info off my computer I don't know about? And as far as the room rented in 2003 there isn't anything on my computer about her. I have not had contact with her since January 2004. How does FB know this as a suggestion?

I have also started getting an enormous amount of threads in my news feed from I have not been to their site in months. And for sure not on this computer since I wiped it clean a couple of weeks ago when the new hard drive was installed. But now I have more from them than from my friends. Sure I can set them to ignore but how did this suddenly happen? Think about it. The cookie for FB never dies and somewhere a site most likely referenced Lifehacker and their cookie sent the information I was on their site, Lifehacker has a FB presence, their cookie picks up on this, their database shows me as a past visitor and voila! News in my stream from Lifehacker. Can you see how it works?

I have to say right now that I am not the paranoid type who browses the web with secret proxies or on the private settings either. The web has run on cookies for a long time. I like not having to re-enter site information. I don't mind that a site gather some information such as what browser I use, OS and stuff like that. But when a site is digging for information, information from years past, information that only I should know and have never put online, then that bothers me. I want to an informed FB user and I want them to disclose before they implement.

Of course I also know my small little rant will do nothing to stop or impede FB. Nothing I do will change either except I did remove the social icons from this site and my other site Pensive Penguin. I really didn't see any traffic from them anyway. I'm small time and I know it. But that doesn't mean I can't choose.

I still will not be browsing the web in paranoia. My habits will not change. But my awareness will. I will choose when I like something or not and not have it automatically pop up in my threads. I'm all for websites making a buck. I'm trying to make a buck or two here. I know that cookies are underlying in the web platform and I accept that. What I'm not accepting is that when I log out of that website, or when I leave the website, their cookie should stop. I should not have to worry about what is tracking and what is not. This time I think FB has gone too far in  allowing any developer all access to my information at any time.

Why if I want an app does it always want access to my information? So it can work of course. But why do I not get control of what it can access? FB says I can but have you ever tried to set an apps privacy settings? Almost everything is required. And why do the apps need 24/7 access even when I'm not online? Why do they need my friends information and friends of friends? What rights do I have of releasing their information just because I like something.

Bottom line for me is this is going too far. And I don't think Google or any other social site is going to be far behind. End of rant. I hope I have at the very least caused you to think about what the web can do to garner information about you.

Update: Minutes after posting and it might still be there, this is a partial section of an ad that showed up in my Adsense tower ad.
For those who do not know, ROI is an acronym for return on investment. There is no escaping the reach of FB and developers are going to harvest everything they can about you. Everything.